Broken Nature arrives at MoMA

Broken Nature opens at the MoMA. The Museum hosts the main exhibition of the XXII International Exhibition of the Triennale di Milano. The 2019 exhibit was curated by Paola Antonelli (Senior Curator of the Department of Architecture and Design).

This one in the United States is a different version of the Triennale di Milano’s one. In particular, it counts a selection of 45 works of the 100 originally exhibited at the Triennale Milano. The exhibit aims to tell, reflect, and open new perspectives on the relationship between Man and Nature. The purpose is to focus on possible solutions to adopt in order to repair, strengthen and rebuild this dialogue.

broken nature

A year after its conclusion, the project has come back to life on the other side of the ocean. The Museum of Modern Art in New York will host it until August 15, 2021. In particular, the show proposes as an in-depth investigation into the connections between men and the natural environment. Also, it boasts a profound changes that have compromised these ties over the years. Broken Nature has been rearranged in the recently renovated US museum, reopened to the public, in a new version.

Broken Nature: the relationship between man and nature filtrated by design

The show highlights the role that creative practices can play in strengthening the link between the natural kingdoms and men. All this by reflecting particularly on the concept of “restorative design”. The capacity, therefore, that this discipline can have in designing solutions through objects and new systems when the relationship between Man and Nature undergoes cracks.

Broken Nature: the relationship between man and nature filtrated by design

The projects and designers selected for the exhibition, including Mustafa Ali Faruki, Aki Inomata, Alex Goad, Julia Lohmann, Christien Meindertsma and Studio Swine, demonstrate the “restorative” potential of design.

“From reviving coral reefs that are discoloring at an unprecedented rate due to warmer waters, to pondering solutions to feed an overpopulated planet. ‘Broken Nature’ argues that design and architecture can be instrumental in initiating a constructive change on different levels, circumstances and time periods”, explains Paola Antonelli.

The works exhibited at MoMA address some of the themes covered in the Triennale exhibition. They also highlight the relationships between designers, engineers, artists, and scientists and how these communities work synergistically.

The exhibition is curated by Paola Antonelli and by Anna Burckhardt, Assistant Curator of the Department of Architecture and Design. At the Triennale the curatorial team led by Paola Antonelli was made up of Ala Tannir, Laura Maeran and Erica Petrillo.

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